19 Struggles Only Girls With Long Hair Will Understand

10. Styling Troubles

More often than not, you’re going to let your hair hang in its natural form, and you might tell people you’re going for the all-natural look. But we all know that the actual reason is that styling long hair is a feat that is too hard to endure on a regular day.

11. Creepy Crawly

You’re just sitting there, minding your own business when you feel something crawling up your bare arm or leg. You freak out thinking its some sort of insect, only to find out that it’s… your hair. Just your long, annoying hair.

12. Wind In My Hair… Yeah Right

Another thing long-haired girls would never dream of doing is going somewhere windy with their hair untied. Yeah, no one wants to face the nightmare that would be the aftermath of that. So, that idyllic thought of having “the wind in your hair” seems almost impossible. I mean, have you ever tried to go on a ride with the windows down and your hair untied?

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