Skip the Espresso! 7 Makeup Tricks That’ll Help You Look Awake in The Morning

Step 2: Curl Your Lashes

The next step is to curl your lashes. It’s important that you do this before you move on to any other step. It only takes you a few seconds to do, but it can go a long way in making your eyes seem awake and open wide. Celebrity makeup artist Kira Nasrat describes curling the lashes as “wearing a bra for your eyes”.

Make sure to use a light hand when you are curling your lashes. Start by applying gentle pressure from the base of the lashes and the mid-point to ensure that you don’t damage these delicate hairs. A good tip is to gently heat your eyelash curler with the help of your hairdryer. This will help you achieve a much stronger style that lasts longer.

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